Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Joann C. Preston

Second Advisor

Dr. Scott Allison

Third Advisor

Dr. Gary Lambert


In recent years, research efforts have attempted to identify variables that may moderate leaders' decision making styles. Variables that have been identified include divisibility of the resource, social scripts, and type of resource being divided. This study attempted to replicate these findings and examine the influence of personality variables as defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Scale. The influence of the thinking-judging and feeling-judging typologies are examined in light of a resource allocation task, as well as their relationship to Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid of leadership styles. Results were generally nonsignificant. However, the thinking and feeling typologies were correlated with social and task leadership styles. There were no behavioral differences between typologies or leadership titles, and the only self-report difference was that "thinking" types, compared to "feeling" individuals, asserted that maintaining social happiness and unity was a less important goal. The findings are discussed in relation to the limitations of this study and the direction future research might take.

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Psychology Commons
