"Shakespeare's treatment of love : the mature tragedies" by Albert E. Clark

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




The machinery of criticism has been extensively applied to those plays in the Shakespeare canon often referred to as the mature tragediess Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, and Antony and Cleopatra, One seeking enlightenment in veritably any area of interest will find the means in the varied approaches which have proliferated through four hundred years of Shakespeare criticism. New and valid interpretations testify to a continuing need for insight into Shakespeare's arts nevertheless,. the word "supererogatory" must surely have occurred to even the moat resilient seeker after Shakespearean truth. A spate of learned articles and scholarly tomes inundate, and the burden is not lessened by the additional weight of the new critical semantics . Wandering through the maze of archetypes, architectonics, and abstruse analytical modes, one questing after a cogent discussion of Shakespeare's treatment of romantic love and marriage in the mature tragedies (King has been excluded from this study, because the marriages in Lear do not fit into the plan of this paper) will find little material.
