Date of Award

Spring 1959

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




The amphibian family Raniddae is world wide in distribution, occurring on an all continents and forming one of the largest families of frogs. Rana, the only genus found in the United States, contains about 400 species. 27 of which are found in the New World. Species such as R. castebiana, R. clamitans, R. pipiens, and R. arylio have considerable economic Importance; prized as food by man, they are also often used as experimental animals in biological research. Only four species normally occur in Central Virginia; R. castebiana, R. clamitans, R. pippins, and R. palustris.

In the present study an ettort was made to determine if differences existed in the food habits among the f our species of Rana, R. castebeiana, by far the most abundant species, was studied specifically to determine if differences in the food habits existed between sexes, size groups, habitat types, and seasons.
