Date of Award

Summer 1959

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




An integral part of the ecological study of any organism is a good understanding of the food relationships. Basic studies of the distribution and ecology of common fresh-water fishes are necessary before a more detailed analysis can be made of the fishes in a particular area. Lagler (1956) states that food habit studies help determine population levels, rates of growth, and condition of the fishes. He also concludes that they serve as a partial basis for determining the status of various predatory and competing forms. Raney (1942) states that an intelligent fishery management program depends heavily upon information gained through food habit analyses.

Many of the previous studies have been concerned with the quantity of food material consumed and the workers therefore, have often employed a volumetric analysis. The present study; however, is not concerne with volume of food but rather with the number of fishes with food and the number of organisms taken.

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Biology Commons
