Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




The basis for the great osmoregulatory ability in Meriones unguiculatus, the Mongolian gerbil, has been studied previously, but as yet no clear mechanism has been determined. The present study investigated the level of cardiac atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) under high and low sodium stress. In addition, cardiac ANF values for the Mongolian gerbil were compared with another desert mammal (Mesocricetus auratus, the Syrian golden hamster) and a non-desert mammal, (Rattus norvegicus, the white rat). ANF was found to exist in the hear atria of the Mongolian gerbil at a level of 388±66 µg ANF/g tissue. High and low sodium stress did not have a significant effect on the cardiac level of ANF in the Mongolian gerbil. Finally, the Mongolian gerbil had cardiac ANF levels similar to the Syrian golden hamster but 3 to 4 times less than the white rat.

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