"An approach to the development of executive personnel" by Donald Gray Burnette

Date of Award

Spring 1957

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Business Administration


On September 25, 1956, the president of the Life Insurance Company of Virginia appointed a committee of company officers to make a study of what is known and of what is being done by industry to develop executive personnel. Upon completion of the study, the committee was to make a formal report to the president with its recommendations as to what action the company should take in order to develop qualified executives to meet future needs.

The procedure which was used in making this study was to analyze and appraise the philosophies and practices of the above companies as related to executive development. As a result, some of the personal discussions with officials with the companies studied must be considered confidential. Hence, the names of persons, companies and locations have been withheld or disguised in some cases. The results of the above analysis with specific recommendations which appear to best meet the needs of the company are contained in the following pages of this report.
