"Test for a learned drinking response : support for appetitive prepared" by Brian L. West


Brian L. West

Date of Award

Fall 8-1975

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Frederick J. Kozub

Second Advisor

Dr. Kenneth Blick

Third Advisor

Dr. Joanne C. Preston


Seligman, Ives, Ames and Mineka (1970a) have suggested that by the nature of the stimulus-response association in appetitive states a prepared mechanism using "mild" deprivation cues exists which will activate an appetitional resolution. Pairing of a neutral stimulus with this prepared mechanism results in a conditioned stimulus capable of electing the drinking response. Contrary to this hypothesis, Mowrer (1956) posited that a water deprived state induces an emotional reaction or "thirst fear." It is assumed that reduction of this stimulus may be accomplished by means of alleviating the deprived state. A conditioned external stimulus can therefore elicit the drinking response by the mediational stress stimulus.

Rates demonstrated increased water intake at zero hours water deprived in the presence of an external stimulus previously paired with an increasing motive state, one-half hour through 23 hours water deprivation. A "hi" motive state associated cue, 23 hours through 23-1/2 hours water deprived, failed to elicit a greater drinking response in zero hour deprived animals. Intake monitored at quarter hour segments for two hours revealed that "lo to hi" drive associated stimulus does not effect overall intake but induces differentiation in drinking patterns causing a significant enhancement and then a reduction in intake amounts. These results are in agree with Seligman et al. (1970a) suggesting that elicitation of the prepared mechanism will evoke a drinking response but that water regulation controls do not allow prolonged hyperdipsia.

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