Volume 17, Issue 4 (1983) Summer 1983
Table of Contents
The Trustee Versus the Trade Creditor: A Critique of Section 547(c)(1), (2) & (4) of the Bankruptcy Code
Michael J. Herbert
Warrantless Searches and Seizures in Virginia
Ronald J. Bacigal
Terminating Employees in Virginia: A Roadmap for the Employer, the Employee, and Their Counsel
Keith D. Boyette
Libel and Slander in Virginia
Thomas E. Spahn
Annexation in Virginia: The 1979 Amendments Usher in a New Era in City-County Relations
Robert E. Spicer Jr.
The First Amendment and Licensing Biology Teachers in Creationism
Benjamin W. Emerson
The Virginia Natural Death Act - A Critical Analysis
Janice G. Murphy
Book Review
Virginia Criminal Procedure
Murray J. Janus
Coal Slurry Pipeline
Mary Kathleen Martin and Laurie L. Riddles