Criminal Law: Cases and Comments, 9th Edition

Ronald J. Bacigal, University of Richmond

Co-authored with Andre A. Moenssens, Gerald G. Ashdown, and Adam M. Gershowitz.


The 2013 ninth edition of Cases and Comments on Criminal Law has undergone substantial renovations, wbich we hope will encourage both new and established professors to give it serious consideration for adoption in their classes. First, and foremost, the contributing authors have changed. After many editions as both contributing author and lead editor, Andre Moenssens has retired and turned management of the book over to Gerry Ashdown at West Virginia University, who has participated in the last three editions. In addition, Adam Gershowitz at William and Mary has taken over for Ginny Hench, who has decided to leave the book. Although the format of the subject matter structure, which has proven successful and eminently workable in the classroom has been maintained, many new cases have been added to strike new themes designed to modernize and make the book more meaningful for contemporary law students. Most importantly, a number of the chapters have been substantially reworked to make them more accessible to teachers and students alike.