O sucesso do inacabado: Clarice Lispector e sua “Children’s Corner” na revista Senhor




In 1959, when the sophisticated magazine Senhor was launched in Rio de Janeiro, the renowned writer Clarice Lispector was invited to join this new publishing venture targeted at educated upper-class men. As a separated woman in need of an income to support herself and her two children, Lispector accepted the offer, regularly contributing with chronicles/stories, and starting at the end of 1961 a column that she named “Children's Corner” in the section “Sr. & Cía.” These contributions are fragmentary, exploratory, somewhat hinting at failure. This article reads Lispestor’s texts for Senhor as interventions that enact a rupture in a narrative of growth, progress, and development geared towards a heteroreproductive future. As it unsettles this ideology, Lispector’s “Children’s Corner” also stages new modes of relationality that defy the ideas of human exceptionalism and human mastery over matter and nature.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Mariela Méndez, published by Published by the American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA), Journal of Lusophone Studies.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
