Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest | Law School Journals | University of Richmond


Editor-in-Chief: Katherine Schroth
Executive Editor: Meg Donovan
Managing Editor: Kelsey Martin

Welcome to the Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest.

The Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest is the scholarly voice for issues pertaining to social welfare, public policy, and a broad spectrum of jurisprudence. Published four times a year, the Journal publishes its content online to reach the widest audience possible, while also publishing one annual print issue focused on the work of the Virginia General Assembly. Our authors include experienced practitioners, esteemed legal professors, and insightful individuals working to change the world around them.

In the Summer of 2016 this Journal was renamed the Richmond Public Interest Law Review. Any inquires may be sent to

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 19, Number 4 (2016)

Prefatory Matter


Letter from the Editor
Katherine R. Schroth



Love, Anger, and Lawyering
Deborah J. Cantrell


Kingsfield Meditates
John Jay Osborn


Law's Emotions
Robin West