"What I do all day: Professor spends 5 hours a week teaching class, but" by Edward L. Ayers


Professors, like the students around whom we structure our lives, don't follow the same rhythms and schedules of most people. People in the academy, whatever their age, tend to follow unusual hours, work in cycles of desperately hard labor and periods of less desperation, tend to work in places other than a central office, tend to spend considerable amounts of time alone or in intense conversation with a few people, tend not to work in terms reflected in billable hours or tightly scheduled appointments. The fruits of our labor are not always visible to the casual observer. For that reason, and for the reason that intellectual work has usually been suspect in the United States, professors have come under attack and derision lately.

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Copyright © 1994 The Roanoke Times. This article first appeared in The Roanoke Times, January 9, 1994, B-1.

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