"Reedy Creek: Formal and Informal Policies Influencing the Stream Resto" by Emily Onufer


Many analyses, especially in the field of sociology, have debated the influence of informal groups such as nonprofits, coalitions, and consultants on formal policy-making bodies, mainly government agencies (see West 2004, Verloo2016). The Reedy Creek restoration project involved numerous policy-makers and stakeholders, all of whom influenced the project’s direction and outcomes in some way. Policy was a driving force behind the project from its inception. This analysis examines the roles and influence of the various stakeholders involved in the Reedy Creek restoration project, and attempts to analyze the influence formal and informal policy-making bodies can have on small-scale environmental management projects such as this one.

Poster prepared for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone.

Document Type

Poster Session

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