
Walkability is an important aspect of a college campus and allows for pedestrian movement throughout the built environment. Many studies have quantified walkability by understanding the variables that allow for pedestrian safety and access, but these studies only look at one time period and thus are limited in their approach. This paper presents a walkability assessment of the University of Richmond campus over a multitemporal scale. Using remotely sensed images and modified assessment model which includes three main walkability criteria, walkability variables were measured. According to the criteria analyzed in the study, walkability on the University of Richmond campus improved from 2007 to 2018. Recent data collected also reinforces this notion of improved walkability on campus. Walkability has implications on campus development, health outcomes, and sustainability measures. With a growing desire on college campuses for better connectivity, understanding pedestrian movement is important for informing campus policy decisions.

Paper prepared for the Geography Capstone.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Todd Lookingbill

Document Type

Unpublished Paper - Campus Only

Publication Date

