"Rainwater Harvesting System: Proposal for a Pilot Rainwater Harvesting" by Diana Alderbashi, Joel Collins et al.


Fresh water is expected to become increasingly scarce as temperature and sea levels rise due to Global Climate Change. We believe now is the time to start rethinking our behaviors in terms of water use and start conserving water even if it is on a small scale. One of the best ways to conserve water at a university level is to install small scale rainwater harvesting system for irrigation. We propose for the University of Richmond to utilize Booker Hall to collect rainwater using ten 200 gallon rain barrels. The water will be used to irrigate flowerbeds around campus. The project will be relatively low cost, costing the University $2,859.50. Although today the project only saves the University a little under $200 per year, in the future the project will become more economically sustainable since water will become more expensive and possibly less subsidized.

Paper prepared for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone.

Document Type

Unpublished Paper

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