"Attitudes Towards Climate Change and Sustainability" by Sammy Easby and Tess Manning


The University of Richmond has made great strides as a community to decrease our carbon emissions and live in a more sustainable way. In November of 2007 President Ayers signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, which resolves Richmond to mitigate climate change. In response to this action, the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar of 2008 created a report outlining the view of our community about these issues, as well as, offer recommendations for our campus. We, the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar Class of 2014 have chosen to focus our capstone on climate change. We recognize that climate change is an imminent threat and that our community can make a difference in climate change mitigation. As a class, we have come to the conclusion that the key to prompting climate action on an individual and global scale is communication. We need to find the best way to communicate complex issues surrounding climate change to the general public. To that end, we chose to conduct another survey of the student body to assess student knowledge and concern regarding climate change and to determine how best to communicate with UR students. This particular project had three goals: 1) reissue the 2008 survey to see how UR's campus attitudes have changed 2) compare our data to other schools 3) recommend new programs and options addressing climate change to UR.

Document Type

Poster Session

Publication Date

