"Food Security at the University of Richmond" by Kayla Sherman, Donald Edmonds et al.


The University of Richmond’s Strategic Plan states the University’s goal to be “a leader in innovative practices that sustain our environmental, human, and financial resources” (Crutcher 2017). The University has also signed multiple national and global sustainability commitments such as the Talloires Declaration (2003), the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment, (2007) and the American Campuses Acton Climate Pledge (2015). These commitments set ambitious climate action goals and address the responsibility of colleges and universities not only to cultivate an environmental consciousness on campus but also to transform the conventional operation systems on which college and universities depend. While the University has taken active steps to integrate sustainability into its academic, administrative, and operational practices, there remains much room for improvement. We identified the University’s food system as one area of campus particularly vulnerable to changing climate conditions. Prompted by dining’s low score (1.13 out of 7) on the University of Richmond’s 2017 Sustainability Report (Andrejewski 2017), this project seeks to both determine the current state of food security among students at the University as well as to analyze the larger context in which our food system is embedded.

Poster prepared for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone.

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Poster Session

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