
This study investigated the possibility of hiring new faculty at the University of Richmond whose area of expertise incorporates climate change. The study used a survey of Richmond students to gauge interest in academic areas such as climate change classes and research with faculty. In depth interviews with faculty members from various departments within the University were also conducted. Further research showed that although 12 of the top 25 liberal arts schools in the United States offered two or more classes specifically on the issue of climate change, the University of Richmond intermittently offers one climate change class, located in the School of Continuing Studies. This study concluded that hiring climate change researchers and adding climate change coursework was strongly supported by students and interviewed faculty. Moving forward, this study concluded many recommendations for the University of Richmond, including hiring at least three new climate change faculty members to maximize their impact as well as diversifying course offerings to include classes on climate change in various schools.

Paper prepared for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar.

Document Type

Unpublished Paper

Publication Date

