Introduction: Etruria, Anatolia, and Wider Mediterranean Connectivity




A comprehensive examination of material connections and artistic exchange between Etruria and Anatolia has never been the focus of an in-depth and heuristic study. Remarkable connections in Etruscan and Anatolian material culture show a growing body of fascinating evidence for various forms of contact and exchange between these two regions. This book establishes a new framework for discussing such similarities, and it invites new conversations about materiality, connectivity, and exchange among two regions separated (literally) by Greece. It examines recurring threads of a rich and varied Etruscan and Anatolian fabric of material networks surfacing in a wide variety of artistic styles and narratives. The traditional ways of looking at the ancient Mediterranean, within strict disciplinary boundaries, can no longer be useful when it comes to this type of cultural, artistic, and ideological query. The time has come to decolonize the ancient Mediterranean framework regarding how peoples and cultures have long been viewed, examined, and packaged. This volume offers a wide range of remarkable connections between Etruria and Anatolia, opening up new ways for examining the ancient Mediterranean.

Document Type

Book Chapter



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Publisher Statement

© 2024 Cambridge University Press & Assessment

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