Preface to the 30th Anniversary Volume: A Brief History of the Journal




Volume 30 is a landmark for the Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. We have been publishing original research full-papers, shorter communications and review articles in the title area for almost three decades. How did this journal get started? In the spring of 1987, Dr. Martel Zeldin (MZ) was asked by the American Chemical Society’s Divisions of Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Science and Engineering, and Inorganic Chemistry to organize a symposium on inorganic and organometallic polymers for the Fall 1989 National Meeting of the A.C.S. The timing seemed expedient given the accelerating pace of research activity and published research in a wide variety of areas that included polysiloxanes, polysilanes, polyphosphazenes, coordination polymers, and other relevant areas that were driven by useful applications as well as interesting and unusual technological properties. The multiday symposium was an outstanding success. As a result, the A.C.S. publications office suggested that a symposium series book on the topic be considered. The Petroleum Research Fund of A.C.S., the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the above-named A.C.S Divisions encourage the production of such a tome and offered logistical and financial support to accomplish this task. Indeed, the book, “Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers, ACS Symposium 360,” which was co-edited with Harry Allcock (Pennsylvania State University), Ken Wynne (ONR) and MZ, was published in 1988. The book too was quite successful with two printings. Shortly after the appearance of the book, MZ was approached by the Plenum Publishing Company of New York with the offer to sponsor a new journal in this research area. With the advice and encouragement from a number of distinguished inorganic and organometallic polymer scientists worldwide, the peer-reviewed Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers was created as a quarterly periodical. The maiden issue of Volume 1 appeared in March of 1991 with nine research papers. Over the next decade, the journal had modest success. It was then clear that the journal needed to expand in order to prosper.

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