"<em>Leptodactylus mystacinus</em>" by M. M. Heyer, W. R. Heyer et al.


Adult Leptodactylus mystacinus are of moderate size, the head is as wide as long, and the hind limbs are moderately short (see Table; Heyer and Thompson 2000 provided definitions of adult size and leg length categories for Leptodactylus). Male vocal sacs are not visible externally or at best are weakly expanded laterally and slightly darker than female throats. Male snouts are more spatulate than those of females. Male forearms are not hypertrophied. Males lack asperities on the thumbs and chest. One or two pairs of dorsolateral folds (indicated by dark/light outlining in indifferently preserved specimens) are present: one distinct more dorsal pair extends from behind the eye (often with a gap with the fold beginning at a level above the tympanum) to the upper groin; a second pair, either complete or interrupted, extends from above the forearm insertion at the same level as the dorsal portion of the supratympanic fold and extends to the groin along the flanks. The toe tips are narrow. The toes lack fringes or fleshy ridges. The upper shank has many or scattered distinct white tubercles. The outer tarsus almost always (94%) has many or scattered distinct white tubercles. The sole of the foot usually (75%) has distinct scattered to many white tubercles, sometimes (25%) the white tubercles are absent.

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Copyright © 2003 SSAR. This article first appeared in Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles, 2003, 767.1-67.11.

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