"Jamaican Blue-Green Algae Collections of J.C. Strickland" by W. John Hayden


Professor John C. Strickland (1915-1980) devoted much of his life to teaching biology, botany, and phycology at the University of Richmond. Throughout his academic career he maintained a keen interest in the Myxophyceae, or blue-green algae, studying their culture, cytology, and taxonomy (Drouet & Strickland, 1942; Strickland, 1940, 1946). Most of his collections of these and other algae were made in Virginia and are housed in the herbarium maintained by the Department of Biology, University of Richmond. However, he also made four trips to Jamaica in the years 1966-1971 before his health deteriorated to the extent that field work, and even processing of specimens, became impossible. Recently, Dr. Strickland's Jamaican collections of Myxophyceae have been identified through the kindness and diligence of Dr. Francis Drouet of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. This brief note provides an overview of Dr. Strickland's Jamaican collections, which constitute a significant contribution to the cryptogamic flora of the island.

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Publisher Statement

Copyright © 1980, New England Botanical Club. This article first appeared in Rhodora: 85 (1980), 381-384.

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