"<i>Eryngium prostratum</i> in Central Virginia" by W. John Hayden


While visiting Pocahontas State Park in Chesterfield County, Virginia during the fall of 1984, an unfamiliar blue-flowered plant was observed growing near the upper reaches of Swift Creek Lake. This proved to be Eryngium prostratum Nuttall ex DC., a species common near bodies of water in the southeast U.S. While several standard floras include Virginia in the distribution of this plant (Fernald 1950, Gleason 1952, Gleason & Cronquist 1963, Radford et al 1968, Godfrey & Wooten 1981), the only counties for which it is recorded in Harvill et al (1981) are along the extreme southern border of the state, i.e., Southampton, Sussex, Mecklenberg, and Pittsylvania Counties. Its presence in Chesterfield County thus represents a northward extension of its known range in the state of Virginia.

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Publisher Statement

Copyright © 1985, Southern Appalachian Botanical Society. This article first appeared in Castanea: 50:4 (1985), 266-267.

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