
As revised here, Discocarpus is interpreted to consist of three neotropical species: D. essequeboensis Klotzsch, D. gentryi S. M. Hayden, which is described and named herein as new to science, and D. spruceanus Müll. Arg. One previously accepted name, D. brasiliensis Klotzsch ex Müll. Arg., is reduced to synonymy of D. essequeboensis. Lecto-types are proposed for the two species previously described. One species is newly excluded from Discocarpus, as are three others, following previous literature. Foliar anatomy is described with a focus on epidermal sclereids, which are shown to occur on both epidermides. Evidence presented supports close relationships with Lachnostylis Turcz. and Amanoa Aubl.; little was found to support previous hypotheses concerning a relationship with Chonocentrum Pierre ex Pax & K. Hoffm.

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Publisher Statement

Copyright © 1996, Missouri Botanical Garden Press. This article first appeared in Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden: 83:2 (1996), 153-167.

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