
Adult Leptodactylus cunicularius are moderately small. The head is longer than wide and the hind limbs are long (Table 1; Heyer and Thompson 2000 provided definitions of adult size and leg length categories for Leptodactylus). Male vocal sacs are internal, not externally expanded. The snout is protruding, not sexually dimorphic. Male forearms are not hypertrophied and males lack asperities on the thumbs and chest. The dorsum is variegated with small, often confluent, spots and blotches. There is a very thin interrupted mid-dorsal light stripe (pinstripe). Usually, there is a noticeable light, irregular, elongate, mid-dorsal blotch in the scapular region. The supratympanic fold is not marked differently from the surrounding region. A weak to distinct pair of interrupted (partial or along entire length) dorsolateral folds extends from the posterior portion of the eye, passing just lateral to the sacral bones and ending in the upper groin region of the leg; the folds are usually subtly highlighted with marginally lighter stripes than the surrounding dorsal region.

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Copyright © 2008, Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles.
