"Wild Geranium, <em>Geranium maculatum</em>, 2020 Virginia Wildflower o" by W. John Hayden


Geranium maculatum was named by Linnaeus in his monumental Species Plantarum, published in1753. Geranium has long served as the type genus of Geraniaceae. The genus and family name are derived from the Greek word geranos, crane, in reference to the elongate fruiting styles common throughout the family. English common names like Cranesbill and Storksbill for relatives of Wild Geranium similarly refer to their elongate fruiting-stage styles. The species portion of the binomial, maculatum, means spotted, perhaps a reference to slight irregularities in petal pigmentation sometimes observed in this species.

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Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2020 Virginia Native Plant Society. This article first appeared in Virginia Native Plant Society Wildflower of the Year Brochure (2020), 1-2.

Please note that downloads of the brochure are for private/personal use only.

Citation Example for Article (Chicago):

Hayden, W. John. "Wild Geranium, Geranium maculatum, 2020 Virginia Wildflower of the Year." Virginia Native Plant Society Wildflower of the Year Brochure (2020): 1-2.

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