"Fungus Creates Zombie Insects on Dogwood" by W. John Hayden


I have something I need to get off my chest. I have an obsession with, of all things, a fungus! And not just any fungus, but a fungus that infects, I am embarrassed to admit, Flowering Dogwood, the VNPS Wildflower of the Year for 2018. Yes, maybe I’ve gone off my rocker. But this fungus is so cool, so devious, so elegantly convoluted and weird—in a creepy sort of way—that I find myself utterly enthralled. Perhaps sharing my obsession with this fungus will prove therapeutic and permit me to return to my more socially respectable obsessive fascination with plants.

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Copyright © 2019 The Quarterly of the Virginia Native Plant Society. This article first appeared in Sempervirens Fall/Winter 2018/2019: 6-7.

Please note that downloads of the article are for private/personal use only.
