

Among the many debates surrounding land in Africa, one that has endured through both colonization and independence is the argument over the merits of preserving customary land law. Human rights based approaches to property rights in Sub-Saharan Africa note women’s secondary or derivative rights to land under customary law, correctly identifying inequalities in rules and practice. Communitarian approaches, on the other hand, address the adaptability and accessibility of land regimes defined by customary law. This book contributes to the debates on women, land and law and, while it will be frustrating to some as it does not take a side in the debate, the book helpfully adds to what we know about the praxis of customary law and the impact of efforts to embed customary law within a more egalitarian legal system.

Document Type

Post-print Article

Publication Date


Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2015 Cambridge University Press.

The definitive version is available at:

DOI: 10.1017/asr.2015.90

Full Citation:

Joireman, Sandra F. Review of Women, Land & Justice in Tanzania, by Helen Dancer. African Studies Review 58, no. 3 (2015): 241-42.
