

According to Hennessey, the purpose of the present text, an extension of his dissertation, "From Jazz Age to Swing: Black Musicians and Their Music, 1917-1935" (Ph.D. diss., Northwestern University, 1973), is to trace the interaction between the enormous sociological changes in America and the music of African American musicians from the origin of jazz to the beginning of the swing era. He claims that "the transformation of jazz from a primarily local music rooted in black folk traditions to the tightly managed product of a national industry controlled by white businessmen and aimed at a predominantly white mass market paralleled the changing nature of American society" (p. 11).

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date

Spring 1996

Publisher Statement

Copyright © 1996, University of Illinois Press. This article first appeared in American Music: 14:1 (1996), 115-118.

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