Dear Reader,
Thanks for picking up the fifth - yes, fifth! issue of Osmosis Magazine. I am so proud of how far Osmosis has come! The articles in this issue are more relevant than ever, and ifs inspiring to see so many passionate people coming together to write about them.
We have welcomed so many new faces-shout out to my new design team - as well as some loyal returners. I would like to personally thank Sanitra Desai for sticking this out with me, especially the early days when it was a design team party of two. It's going to be hard to find someone as creative and hardworking as you! Good luck in the great beyond! (Post-graduation)
Through Osmosis we hope to spread scientific literacy to the rest of campus, and not just locked it away in Gottwald. From scientific policy to vaping, we believe there's something for everyone in this issue. Happy reading, and remember to share this with a friend! Only you can prevent scientific ignorance!
Your editor,
Recommended Citation
Survin, McKenzie (Mickey)
"Letter from the Editor,"
Osmosis Magazine: Vol. 2018:
1, Article 2.
Available at: