The Messenger, 1989
Complete Issue
Time Expired
Jerry Hanley
Bruce Semisch
Study of Apple
Jerry Hanley
What is Right in the World!
Joe Aronyosi
Jim Balam
Horizontal Nude
Lisa Admur
Through a Flower
Joe Aronyosi
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Jerry Hanley
untitled [rose]
Colleen Phelon
untitled [shoes]
Colleen Phelon
Bruce Semisch
The Problem with the Whole Thing
Ben Vance
The Historian
Christopher Tharp
After the Fire
Laura Grace Pattillo
Darvon, Kansas
Ben Vance
Additional Words to Persephone
Katherine Clark
Inside the Sukkah
Alisa Mayor
Re-writing the Love Rapport
J. E. Bostock
Seymour Says Goodbye
John L. T. McLoughlin
Poetic Basketball
Kelly Corrigan
C. Bradley Jacobs
Upon Photographing a Cathedral in Liverpool
C. A. Christopher
Stargazer's Sonnet
Alisa Mayor
blissful labyrinth
Mike Liebman
Red Balloon
Laura Grace Pattillo
Shallow Grave
Diane Turco
The Holy Union
S. K. McMillan
Valentine's Day
Kevin Kendall
Sunday Morning (Worship?)
Amy Joyner
One Sunset
M. Dawson

- Editor:
- Mike Liebman
- Assistant Editor:
- Karen Golembeski
- Staff Members:
- John Aguiar
- David Clark
- Liz Dechert
- Jeff Fowler
- Eileen Lynch
- Anne Manning
- Krissy May
- Alisa Mayor
- Sunni McMillan
- Jen Russell
- Sandy Tan
- Kathleen Wong