Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




A metabolic study was made on the isolated, perfused liver of Natrix fasciata fasciata (Linnaeus, 1776). Uric acid production, perfusate protein levels, serum protein patterns, perfusate glucose levels, and bile production were evaluated in this study as criteria of liver function.

The perfused liver was found to produce uric acid up through the fourth hour of perfusion. No significant differences (between the perfusions) were found in uric acid production/ gm of liver tissue.

Perfusate protein and glucose levels were found to be of a fluctuating or cyclic nature. There was found to be an inverse relationship between these two levels: that is, a rise in the protein level was accompanied by a characteristic decrease in the glucose level, the reverse also holding true. Also, both levels were found to be inversely related to liver weight.

Plasma protein pattern studies showed that definite changes were produced within certain specific bands which corresponded to the fluctuations found in the total protein levels. The chemical nature of these bands was also determined.

Bile production was recorded in onzy two. of the five perfusions cecause of the difficulty encountered in cannulating the minute bile duct.

Histological studies revealed some necrosis of the perfused liver tissue.

It was concluded that the isolated liver of N. fasciata fasciata could be perfused in this system from 4 to 5 hours without significant decreases in the functional activities that were examined.

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Biology Commons
