It’s nice to be here, and I appreciate the opportunity to talk with you all. It’s my first time in a School of Law and you certainly have more wood in your rooms than we do in laboratories, so this is a different experience for me. I’m a food microbiologist by training, so to me, food safety means Salmonella and cantaloupe and viruses in cruise ships. With genetically engineered foods, it’s a little bit different because the effects aren’t as dramatic as far as safety issues as what I see in my daily professional life. Also, it’s different because genetically engineered foods are clouded by so much emotion and hearsay; it is an emotionally charged topic. Today, I just want to talk about the product safety issues and not get into the environmental ones, such as containment.
Recommended Citation
Dallas Hoover,
Remarks on Food Safety in Dealing With Genetically Modified Foods,
Rich. J.L. & Tech
Available at: