
Roads in Amazonia: Perspectives from the Brazilian and Peruvian Borderlands

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The main objective of the panel of eight experts is to share local perspectives on road proposals on the shared borders between Ucayali and Acre. Until now information can be found by various means explaining the projects from afar, but it is much more difficult to find the perspectives of people who know the local geography of the area. Are these proposals viable? What would be the impacts of roads on people and local landscapes if they were to be built? Using maps of the geography of the border area between Ucayali and Acre, the panel will interrogate two proposed road scenarios: 1) The proposed road Trocha UC-105, Nuevo Italia-Puerto Breu, Ucayali, Peru, with the participation of Indigenous leaders from ORAU, OPIRJ, and Yorenka Tasorentsi, and an Alto Amazonas Conservation professional with a lot of experience in the field; 2) The proposed highway Pucallpa, Ucayali, Peru - Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil BR-364 and PE-18C, with the participation of Indigenous leaders from FECONAU and GRMMU, and experts in the area from UFAC-Floresta and SOS Amazonia.
