

Learning Lessons by Rashi Fein is an enjoyable memoir from a scholar and policy adviser unlike any other. Fein’s influential involvement in health care policy dates back to John F. Kennedy’s administration, and his career as a leading health economist paralleled the significant growth in the political influence of health economists following the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Now an emeritus professor of the economics of medicine at Harvard Medical School, Fein writes here about the lessons he learned in medicine, economics, and public policy. His view of the policy process, as a way of coming to terms with life’s unavoidable trade-offs, has much to offer us, too.

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date


Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2011, People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. This article first appeared in Health Affairs: 30:1 (2011), 179-180.

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