Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Dr. Edward F. Overton

Second Advisor

Dr. Franklin R. Jones

Third Advisor

Dr. William H. Leftwich


Statement of the problem. The problem is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the counseling service at Thomas Dale High School in order to ascertain what changes are needed to make the service more effective. The problem actually is to reveal both the strong am weak points of the service so that they may be used as a starting place tor future planning. It is a ha.rd task as the effects of counseling may be felt for many years after the student has been directly exposed to them. Furthermore, the causes of behavior are multiple. Some are physical, some interpersonal, some cultural and environmental. Hence, any attempt to isolate the effects of counseling impedes the interpretation of data. Another factor that complicates the problem is the difficulty in determining the effect of the counseling service apart from the other guidance services. It may not be necessary to know the exact effect of one service since the results of the total program are far more important; yet it is imperative that counselors have some estimate of the effect of the counseling service if improvement is to be made.



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