Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



First Advisor

Catherine Bagwell


Co-rumination, which has been defined as a passive, repetitive form of problem discussion, has been linked to both benefits in terms of positive friendship quality and maladaptive outcomes such as internalizing distress. This study explored the trade-offs associated with co-rumination in emerging adult same-sex friendships both concurrently and longitudinally through the use of self-report questionnaires. Co-rumination was associated with concurrent positive friendship quality. Additionally, co-rumination partially mediated the link between gender and positive friendship quality, and was a marginal predictor of increases in positive friendship quality over time. Although co-rumination was associated with depression, co-rumination did not predict depressive symptoms when rumination was controlled. Overall, this study demonstrated that corumination is associated with positive adjustment in friendships; however, co-rumination also is related to maladaptive outcomes due to its overlap with rumination.

Included in

Psychology Commons
