Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Human Resource Mgt


Human Resource Management

First Advisor

Dr. Russell L. Leonard, Jr.

Second Advisor

Dr. Patricia Strait

Third Advisor

Dr. James Narduzzi


This study examines sick leave abuse within the Henrico County Division of Fire. The purpose of the study was to examine factors that might contribute to a willingness to abuse sick leave. In addition, the study reviews the literature regarding various aspects of sick leave abuse to include cost, motivational theory, and incentive programs. The research consisted of a survey administered to the Division of Fire personnel who work 24-hour shifts. The survey posed questions concerning general attitudes, awareness, and perceptions surrounding the topic of sick leave abuse. The resulting data provided some evidence that sick leave abuse was linked to the independent variables of rank, years of service, or age. The data did show that all groups abuse sick leave to some extent. The literature review and survey provide insight into the sick leave abuse issue and may offer useful information for others seeking to explore the topic further.
