Date of Award

Summer 1950

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




The purpose of this paper is to give a comprehensive pic­ture of the history, setting and effects of tha Federal Dam now being constructed at the site of Buggs Island in Mecklen­burg County, Virginia, In writing this assay I have attempted to bring out the historical and evolutionary aspects of the dam rather than the technical aspects of its construction.

The completion of this dam at Buggs Island and the sub-­sequent flooding of this area will mark a great step forward in the history of both Virginia and North Carolina. Many controversies still rage around its construction. The final outcome of these cannot be clearly predicted. However, I have attempted to present some of these points at issue and to state something of their importance. This is a gigantic project. Buggs Island is only one, and the first, of eleven which are planned for the Roanoke River Basin. This is typical of the Federal Government planning for the development of our natural and human resources.

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