Date of Award

Spring 1961

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Business Administration


The scope or aim of this thesis is to plan, install and measure the results of a performance improvement program directed towards supervisory personnel.

The planning stage consists of investigating secondary works by others pertaining directly or closely to the subject of performance improvement programs. Primary data have been collected in order to have all the facts necessary to plan an effective program. These data include past performance of shifts, defining shift problems and objectives. and techniques to accomplish objectives. An attempt is made here to record all the events that took place in planning this procedure.

The installation phase of the program is covered under "placing the plan into action". Discussions of group meetings with foremen, the follow-up with individual foremen, and the contacts with operating and union personnel are also enclosed within this report.

The program is evaluated and some conclusions are drawn from the evaluation in the last chapter.
