Criminal Law: Cases and Comments, 8th Edition

Ronald J. Bacigal, University of Richmond

Co-authored with Andre A. Moenssens, Gerald G. Ashdown, and Virginia E. Hench.


The 2008 eighth edition of Cases and Comments on Criminal Law continues the format of subject-matter structure that was introduced several editions before and has proven successful and eminently workable in the classroom. At the same time, the eighth edition strikes several new themes designed to modernize the book and make it more meaningful in today's justice system as well as more accessible to the students. First, some older cases have been removed and new cases added to address conceptual issues in a contemporary setting. For example, the 7th and 8th editions have added thirteen new cases to Chapter 2 (four in the 8th edition) including recent United States Supreme Court decisions that have impressed themselves onto the national legal framework. Second, the Notes and Questions have been updated where desirable to reflect variations on the principal cases in modern factual circumstances. Additionally, problems (with citations to the cases they reflect) have been added to the Notes to permit exploration of conceptual nuances in a context less directive than case analysis.