Emancipation: Freeing the Self in Literature, Arts, Religion and Sport


This volume came about from scholarly work originally presented at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg Virginia, United States, in March 2013. The Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at JMU hosts a conference annually with themes that reach across disciplines and resonate with scholars working in the humanities, social sciences and arts. As the first spring buds appear in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, the conference allows cross-disciplinary scholarly discussions to flower between professors, instructors, researchers, and students. The theme for 2013 was Emancipation: the Struggle for Freedom and Equality, to commemorate the sesquicentennial of President Lincoln`s Emancipation Proclamation and the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington, the largest Civil Rights demonstration of the 1960s. Thus the theme was timely but also timeless, because matters of equality and social justice are just as relevant today as they were 150 years ago. As the title of the volume suggests, the authors explore the theme of emancipation in literature, film, theatre, religion, and sport. The authors are professors, instructors, and students at JMU, most being housed in the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, but others coming from departments of religion, rhetoric, and theatre. It was my distinct pleasure to attend the conference, recognize that the scholarship would be of interest to the greater academic community, and find a fitting venue.

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Copyright © 2014 Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (U N E D) Centro Asociado de Sevilla . This article first appeared in Revista de Humanidades, 2014.

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