"<em>Leptodactylus pentadactylus</em>" by Miriam M. Heyer, W. R. Heyer et al.


Adult Leptodactylus pentadactylus (Figure 1) are large, the head is about as wide as long, and the hind limbs are moderately long (Table 1; Heyer and Thompson [2000] provided definitions of adult size and leg length categories for Leptodactylus). Male vocal sacs are not visible externally or are moderately expanded as a single sac. Sexually active males usually do not have hypertrophied forearms (the largest male examined, 195 mm SVL, has very weakly hypertrophied forearms), only the largest males have a single small to moderate size black spine on each thumb. No males have chest spines. Dorsolateral folds are usually entire from the eye to at least the sacrum. Flank folds (diverging from the supratympanic fold at the uppermost portion of the tympanum) are variable, either continuous or interrupted, often extending from the tympanum to the lower flank, or only to the shoulder. The toe tips are rounded, just wider than the adjacent phalanges. The toes have prominent lateral ridges. A trace of basal webbing occurs among all toes, or toes I–II–III–IV or II–III–IV. The upper shank and outer tarsal surfaces are smooth, shagreened, or have several white or black tubercles. The sole of the foot texture is usually smooth, a few individuals have no more than a few black or white tubercles.

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Copyright © 2011 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. This article first appeared in Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles, 2011, 887.1-887.48.

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